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Hey, it's Han

Having recently graduated and finding myself now unemployed and in a quarter life crisis, I spend the time between job applications and interviews, contemplating our intertwinings with the micro-world.
Like most children wondering through a forest and imagining themselves as one among the luminescent green moss, lichen layers and fascinating fungi umbrellas, I am on a journey to redefine the 'self' and consider lessons we, human, can learn from the non-human in becoming better symbionts. 

I don't know what will become of this but for now it's a cognitive dumping ground to organise my spider webbed mind and to hopefully start a conversation with someone other than myself.

Micro - as in very damn small - pertains to the microscopic microorganisms living in microworlds that are actually not so micro once we zoom in and take a closer look

A complicated word to dissect - queer - not only referring to the very broad spectrum of gender and sexuality, but a resistance to the reductionist and heteronormative narratives that plague all areas of research, science, and our very understanding of "natural" vs "unnatural"

Very simply - the study of - referring to curiosity and the ever-changing realm of science and nature as we

 learn a little bit

of micro-wisdom



Here we explore the weird, wonderful and queer world of microbeings. An entanglement of thoughts intersecting microbiology, art, gender, sexuality, ecology, and anything/everything else that an ADHD neuron can get a hold of.


Microqueerology aims to build a community of curious critters who question heteronormative and reductionist narratives through critical research, creative writing and various forms of visual art with a bioart lens. This space will continuously change, fold and mould to different forms. 


For now, it showcases bioartists and bioclubs around the world, serves as a blog and community forum, and a book-club for reading suggestions. Later, I hope to host online events, interviews and conversations with researchers and artists in the field. Perhaps an online store will follow, maybe I’ll write a book, or possibly I will do none of the above and this will serve as a personal journal for my strange thinkings, whichever-what-way it goes I hope you find something that sparks your interest and inspiration here.

A little disclaimer since the internet is the wild wild west these days:

I have a masters degree in Bioengineering with a focus in microbiology, however, I by no means consider myself an expert in the areas discussed in this blog, I only consider myself painfully curious and critical. Feel free to challenge, dispute, cancel or emphasize upon any remarks made throughout my writings and hopefully we can create a safe space to express curiosity in a creative way, while maintaining scientific integrity. 


- Not all artwork featured on this page is mine, I will reference the original artist where necessary -

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